
광학 기기가 매개하는 예술의 형식을 통해 역사적인 현실의 풍경을 담아내는 다큐멘터리 사진 작업을 이어오고 있다. 특수한 지역과 지리적 경로를 설정하고, 이러한 경로를 축으로 다양한 대립과 분열이 공존하는 현재 사회상의 시원을 더듬어 찾아 나감으로써 과거와 현재가 교차하는 장면들을 발견한다.
동시에, 사진 매체가 크게 변모하고 대중화된 동시대 디지털 환경 속에서 유효할 수 있는 다큐멘터리 사진의 가능성과 방향성을 고민하며 일종의 미술 형식으로서의 사진 실험을 지속하고 있다. 이에 일환으로 사진 매체와 도서관이라는 물리적 형태가 비물질로 나아가기 위한 단계별 이주를 실험하는 과정으로 <사진의 도서관(LBDF, LA BIBLIOTECA DE FOTO)>을 운영 중이다.
최근 개인전으로 《푸른 날》(2023, GCS)을 개최했으며, 단체전 《젊은 모색 2021》(2021, 국립현대미술관)에 참여했다.
Through the use of optical instruments to mediate the artistic form, NOH Gihun continues to capture the historical reality of landscapes in documentary photography. By selecting specific locations and geographic paths as an axis, and tracing and advancing in search of the origin of contemporary society that coexist with various conflicts and divisions, NOH discovers scenes where the past and present intersect.
At the same time, in this contemporary digital age where photography as a medium has greatly changed and popularized, NOH contemplates the possibilities and directions of documentary photography that can be effective, and continues to experiment with photography as a form of art. As part of this effort, NOH runs a photography library called "La Biblioteca De Foto (LBDF)," which explores the gradual migration of the physical form of photography and libraries into the immaterial realm.
NOH recently held a solo exhibition titled "VIEW POINT BLUE" (2023, GCS) and participated in the group exhibition "Young Korean Artists 2021" (2021, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art).
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6-6, Jisan 19-gil, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
+82 10 8802 7073
Curriculum Vitae
1985 Born in Gumi, Korea
2010 BFA Dept. of Photography, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
2012 MFA Dept. of Photography, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
Solo (selected)
2023 <View Point Blue>, GCS, Seoul, Korea
2020 <Moon and Light>, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2019 <Eclipse>, BMW Photo Space, Busan, Korea
2018 <Eclipse>, Site-A Gallery + Space BEAM, Yokohama + Incheon, Japan + Korea
2018 <Moon and Light>, BankART NYK, Yokohama, Japan
2016 <Line 1>, KT&G Sangsangmadang, Seoul, Korea
2015 <Mise en Scène>, Space-nowhere, Seoul, Korea
2021 <Young Korean Artists 2021>, MMCA, Gwacheon, Korea
2020 <Mirror Sea>, Space Imsi, Incheon, Korea
<Unexpeted Yeonsu>, Yeonsu Gallery, Incheon, Korea
<Chiang Mai Photography Festival>, CMU Art Centre, Chiang Mai, Thiland
2019 <10 Artists who see the city>, Incheon Urban History Museum, Incheon, Korea
<The SCRAP>, Seoul, Korea
<Me and You and Everyone>, GEPA, Gumi, Korea
<Over Drive>, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, Korea
<Linkin-out>, Ilmin Museum of Art, Asia Culture Center, Seoul and Gwangju, Korea
<The square of 3 is Infiniti>, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, Korea
<Image : Fascination Alchemy>, Danwon Art Museum, Ansan, Korea
<2019 Report Part. 1>, 291 PHOTOGRAPHS, Seoul, Korea
<Far South Movement>, Hyndai Card GAPADO AIR Project Room, Jeju, Korea
2018 <Incheon Island Project>, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, Korea
<Toute la paix>, Ganghwa Elementary School, Ganghwa, Korea
<New-Bauhus>, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
<ASEAN in Korea, Korea in ASEAN>, Asean Culture House, Busan, Korea
<THE SCRAP>, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea
2017 <291 Report Part1>, SPACE 291, Seoul, Korea
<Sense Memory>, Ilhyun Museum, Yangyang, Korea
<Reminiscence>, Museum of Hwaseong, Hwaseong, Korea
<Seoul Photo Festival>, Seoul, Korea
<Boundary>, KT&G Sangsangmadang, Seoul, Korea
<Union ART +plus X>, Insadong 133, Seoul, Korea
<Bright, Passionate>, Beautiful!, Andong Culture & Arts Center, Andong Korea
<The Rite of Spring>, Pohang Museum of Steel Art, Pohang, Korea
2016 <Bright, Passionate>, Beautiful!, KF Gallery, Seoul, Korea
<Archive Vietnams>, Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea
<All Gates>, Sinporo 15221, Incheon, Korea
<Relay>, Yeongcheon Art Residency, Yeongcheon, Korea
<New Force of Photography 2016>, GoEun Museum of Photography, Busan, Korea
<Close Relation>, KT&G Sangsangmadang, Seoul, Korea
<late Spring>, Project KEDA, Daegu, Korea
<Gong.Mu.Do.Ha. Project>, Incheon Performing Arts Space, Incheon, Korea
2015 Seoul Lunar Photo 2015 <Anchoring Between Wander & Settlement>, Artspace Boan, Seoul, Korea
<2015 IAP Video Anthology>, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, Korea
<Memory of Landscape>, SPACE 291, Seoul, Korea
<Intro>, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
2014 <Art Residency Festival>, Seoul City Hall Gallery, Seoul, Korea
<2014 UNESCO in Andong>, Andong, Seoul, Korea
<Sorry We didn’t forget you>, Mite-Ugro, Gwangju, Korea
<Living in the Landscape>, Incheon, Compact Smart City, Incheon, Korea
<The First Encounter>, The Beginning of 'Empty' Friendship, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, Korea
2013 <Final Report by 2013 Resident Artists of Incheon Art Platform>, Incheon, Korea
<Chaging City Incheon>, Tribowl Cultural Center, Incheon, Korea
<SPACE 291 Fundraising Exhibition>, SPACE 291, Seoul, Korea
<Object Found in Ruins>, SPACE BEAM, Incheon, Korea
<The 3rd IPAP SEA OF PEACE>, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, Korea
<Off and Free International Expanded Cinema and Art Festival>, Seoul Museum of Arts, Seoul, Korea
<Artist’s Portfolio>, Savina Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
<Platform Access>, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, Korea
2012 <THE UNBOUND ARCHIVE>, Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea
<In-Transit>, Uropean Month of Photography Berlin, Berlin, Germany
<Speciaal project fotografisch talent uit Korea>, Breda Photo international photo festival, Breda, Holland
<Photography Art Exhibition of International Universities>, Hēilóngjiāng Province Art Museum, Harbin, China
2011 <Young International Emerging Artists>, Chung-ang Art Center, Seoul, Korea
<人spiration>, Seoul Museum of Arts Nan-ji Gallery, Seoul, Korea
<SCOUT>, Gallery IMAZOO, Seoul, Korea
2017 Batic Story: Cirebon, Culture and Art Education: Indoneisia, Korea Arts & Culture Education Service, Cirebon,
Dream Blossom, Artist Group, Total Museum-Korea Foundation
2017 Indonesia BATIK STORY, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
Roadshow 2017: National Route 7, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
Wunderkammer, Writing Staff, Dungurum Press, Busan Cultural Foundation, Korea
2016 Indonesia BATIK STORY, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
2015 Art Project <Gongmudoha>, Dohwa Pump Station, Incheon, Korea
Roadshow 2015: National Route 7, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
2014 Public Art Making Project <Young Artist, Imagine a City>, Incheon Foundation for Arts & Culture, Korea
Art Campaign <Artwing Seoul>, Seoul, Korea
2012 Public Art Project <UNUS space>, UNUS, Seoul, Korea
The Art Factory Project, SUNSET JANGHANG FESTIVAL, Janghang, Korea
2018 Hyundai Card Gapa-Island Residency <AIR>, Jeju-Island, Korea
Koganecho Artist Residency Program, Yokohama, Japan
2017 BankART1929, Yokohama, Japan
2016 Yeongcheon Art Residency, Yeongcheon, Korea
2015 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Residency, Goyang, Korea
2013-2014 Incheon Art Platform 4th, 5th Artist Residency, Incheon, Korea
2018 Art Support Program, Incheon Foundaton For Arts & Culture, Korea
Art Support Program, Art Council Korea, Korea
2016 Seoul Museum of Art Collection, Korea
Hyupsung Cultural Foudation Arle Photo Festival Artist, Korea
2015 Korean Photographer’s Fellowship-Artist of the Year, KT&G Sangsangmadang, Korea
Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture Art Support Program, Korea
2014 Public Art Project <Young Man, Imagine a City>, Incheon Foundaton For Arts & Culture, Korea
Artwing Seoul, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea
Art Support Program, Incheon Foundaton For Arts & Culture, Korea
2013 Off and Free Film Festival <OAF IN FOCUS>, Korea
2012 Arko Media Competition, Arko Art Center, Korea
White Ghost Island Project, Homilbooks, Dec. 2018, No Edition, Korea
Line1, KT&G Sangsangmadang, Mar. 2016, Edition 300, Seoul, Korea
Mise en Scène, Waterain, Oct. 2015, Edition 500, Seoul, Korea
White. Ghost. Day. Note, GRASS BOOKS, Sep. 2013, No Edition, Seoul, Korea
Red Nation, GRASS BOOKS, May. 2013, No Edition, Seoul, Korea